Mickey goes right through the mirror, like their is nothing to it. He runs right through with no problem. Its another world, where everything has living characteristics. Now in the real world you cant run through a mirror and be in another dimension, but in the cartoonish side of things anything is possible.
The footrest is more of a dog than a footrest. Mickey steps on it and it goes wild chasing him and barking. And the chair had to hold the footrest back from attacking Mickey. No footrest could get up and attack a person. In animation everything has characteristics depending on what the object is.

Mickey eats a walnut. Right after he eats it his stomach starts making noise. Causes him to turn into a giant then he shrinks down to the size of a mouse. Now eating anything can make your stomach growl. But it cant make you turn into a giant, and then shrink into a tiny person.

The joker & king are dancing. And the joker is juggling at the same time.
Playing cards cant dance or juggle, its impossible. Also the king's wife (not shown in this pic.)
is dancing with Mickey. No nonliving thing can do this in the real world.
Anything you can dream of or think of is possible to do in the cartoon world.