Senior year Graphic Design. The semester has gone great overall. Been able to work on a lot of self branding/ figuring what your design process is. Started the year off with a typography project, using type to describe yourself. Worked on coming up with designs for the omecoming poster, also the Powderpuff game. Along with my favorite project so far which was branding an imaginary business, using four different concepts developed into one.
Typography can be used in a lot of ways, but mainly to tell a story and get a point across to whoever shall see it. Which was accomplished. A total of nine different characteristics about yourself, which had to be a font that showed what it was, like one of my favorite things was Taco Bell so easily a font that had a Mexican restaurant feel, and incorporated a bell to complete the theme of Taco Bell. It was very free range, just needed to be your name and a characteristic that describes you.
Homecoming has been the most challenging to come up with designs and for it to be "girly" and not to straight lines and jagged edges. Trick Of The Lights was the theme, and it needed to be elegant. I have more of a simplistic mindset that does not involve things to be "girly" and elegant. My ideas were good, could of been better but it was the best that I could come up with.
Once again the next project was another "girly" design, the Powderpuff t-shirt. Had to be football but not manly, since it was the senior vs junior girls. Pink colors along with light shades. No straight or jagged edges, and had to be somewhat common with current popular designs out there. Got the project done, could of been better.
Barium Dog, an x-ray specialist. Is a company I came up with. Originally we had to write down four different things an animal, mineral, number, and two letters. I ended up drawing BL, Dog, 3, and Barium. Did some research and found out that Barium is given to dogs whenever they are getting an x-ray because it shows up where the blockage is. It had to include a business card, envelope, letterhead, billboard, building, app icon, and some type of promotional item. The logo is very simple, a dog paw on a black background to give the affect of an x-ray and Barium Dog off to the side. It went through many different changes before I developed the right one, probably had roughly twelve or so different ideas. Finally settled on the current design of the brand right now.
Really nothing to improve, just keep doing what I have been doing. Maybe have a more open mindset on "girlish" projects, it is far from simple designing something that is based towards girls. Probably sketch with more detail, less scrambled looking ideas and more complete thoughts. Looking for to senior show towards the end of the year, people being able to see what I have been working on for the past four years rather than just the people in graphic design. Ready to finish this semester out and leading to a fresh start coming back from winter break.